We present a framework for the interactive simulation of fluids coupled with rigid bodies that targets heterogeneous distributed computing architectures. Specifically, our proposed approach is well-suited for computer graphics applications that combine servers with large compute capactiy with low-end devices. In this setting, a global large-scale fluid simulation is performed on servers using high-end compute hardware, and local refinement of fluid and rigid body coupling is performed on a client with limited compute resources, such as a tablet or smartphone. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework to simulate large and complex scenes involving wind, ocean, and dynamic objects, all while providing plausible interactions through fluid-rigid coupling.
@inproceedings{fluidRigid2024, author = {Shi, Haoyang and Zordan, Victor and Yang, Yin and Andrews, Sheldon}, title = {Adaptive Distributed Simulation of Fluids and Rigid Bodies}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction, and Games}, articleno = {6}, numpages = {10}, location = {Arlington, VA, USA}, series = {MIG ‘24} doi = {10.1145⁄3677388.3696334} }