Ana Carolina Riekstin- Post-doctorate
Thesis/Project Title:Orchestration of Energy Efficiency Capabilities for a Sustainable Network Management.
Eng., Ph.D., SMIEEE
I am very active in the supervision of both graduate and undergraduate students. My involvement at different levels of training has encouraged several students to pursue higher degrees. Their enthusiasm has mainly resulted from their enjoyment of the experience of solving difficult practical and multidisciplinary problems that are applicable in a variety of areas (e.g. Cloud computing and virtualization techniques, environmentally aware resource provisioning in green cloud, computational intelligence, and perception), using coherent frameworks with tractable solutions.
During his career, Professor Cheriet supervised more than 100 students. He is currently supervised 13 Master students, 17 Ph.D. Students, 5 Post-doctoral students and 5 Internship students. He has graduated 68 students: 32 Master students, 18 Ph.D.Students and 9 Post-doctoral Trainees and 9 Internshipstudents (as undergraduate and graduate). Among those currently under my supervision2/3 PDF students, all of whom received outstanding fellowships from FQRNT and NSERC with an NSERC Excellence Award. Students who have graduated and gone on to pursue a Master’s degree or a Ph.D., taken up a post-doctoral position, been appointed Tenure-Track, Researchers from other Labs in McGill University, hold positions in industry (ERICSSON, Apple (California), SAGEM Corp., A2IA Corp., or created their own company [ex.: Inocybe Technologies inc.]; 5 Post-doc Fellow (PDF) have become Assistant Professor at TÉLUQ (U. of Québec), at Ocean University of China (Department of Computer Science and Technology), at Indian Institute of Technology Roorke (Department of Computer Science & Engineering), In Saudi Arabia, in Tunisia and two (2) other PDF have become Researchers in Australia eHealth Research Centre and LIO at Notre-Dame CHUM.
Thesis/Project Title:Orchestration of Energy Efficiency Capabilities for a Sustainable Network Management.
Thesis/Project Title:Machine Learning techniques.
Thesis/Project Title:Resource optimisation in Cloud Computing.
Thesis/Project Title:Role of Mobile and Mobile Cloud Computing in IoT and Smart house
Thesis/Project Title:Cognitive design of a Telco cloud.
Thesis/Project Title: Context-aware service orchestration in smart community
Thesis/Project Title: Smart home service monitoring and management
Thesis/Project Title: Software-Defined Smart-Home Network
Thesis/Project Title: An optimal virtualization of vertical Cloud based smart homes applications.
Thesis/Project Title: Resource sharing and management in Cloud Computing.
Thesis/Project Title: Smart cities, Big Data, smart community.
Thesis/Project Title: Enabiling large-sage cloud service by software defined WAN.
Thesis/Project Title:Platform architecture for highly-dynamic, multi-tenant, and green cloud infrastructure.
Thesis/Project Title: Energy Consumption Measurement.
Thesis/Project Title:Formal Abstractions in Telecommunications, Security.
Thesis/Project Title:Image and document similarity.
Thesis/Project Title:Traffic awareness in V-WAN hypervisor.
Thesis/Project Title: Sofware-defined algorithm for energy efficiency in Optical.
Thesis/Project Title:M2M communication in Smart House - Master Thesis.
Thesis/Project Title: Telco cloud data visualization.
Thesis/Project Title:Software platform for energy effiency in Telco Cloud.
Thesis/Project Title:Virtual IMS architecture on Telco Cloud.
Thesis/Project Title:Energy-Aware Software defined routing - Master Thesis.
Thesis/Project Title:Patch-based Image Representation of Historical Manuscripts.
Thesis/Project Title:Behavior learning in cloud computing.
Thesis/Project Title:Image connectivity and similarity for Ancient manuscripts .
Thesis/Project Title:Cloud Middleware architecture for smart services .
Thesis/Project Title:Image Processing.
Thesis/Project Title: Binarization and preprocessing of ancient document images, manuscripts, and microfilms
Thesis/Project Title:Management of virtual base stations
Thesis/Project Title:Telco Cloud Monitoring (middleware) -
Thesis/Project Title: Intelligent human Interfaces for telepresence collaboration
Thesis/Project Title: Gesture recognition for telepresence collaboration
Thesis/Project Title: Segmentation et reconstruction 3D des artères coronariens
Thesis/Project Title: Middleware Manager for Green networks
Thesis/Project Title: Manifold learning for Historical Document Understanding
Thesis/Project Title: Word spotting for historical document understanding
Thesis/Project Title: Stratégies de multibiométrie
Thesis/Project Title: Service Availability Protection in Cloud Computing
Thesis/Project Title: Offline Handwriting Recognition
Thesis/Project Title: Manifold Learning for Ancient Document Understanding
Green Cloud Computing and Network Virtualization
Thesis/Project Title: Annotation search in pen-based collaborative interfaces
Thesis/Project Title: Modeling and Processing Degraded Documents
Thesis/Project Title: Annotations manuscrites collaboratives pour la plate-forme Synchromédia
Thesis/Project Title: Document Analysis and Recognition,(international trainee coming from China)
Thesis/Project Title: Document Processing,(international trainee coming from China)
Thesis/Project Title: Mathematical modeling for Image Processing.
Thesis/Project Title: Time Frequency Distributions and Compact Support Kernels
Thesis/Project Title: Feature design and lexicon reduction for efficient offline handwriting recognition.
Thesis/Project Title: Energy Consumption Management in Renewable Powered data Centres and Networks
Thesis/Project Title: Multispectral Documnet Image Processing
Thesis/Project Title: Modèles variationnels de segmentation d'images médicales
Thesis/Project Title: A perceptually inspired framework for color rendering and gamut mapping
Thesis/Project Title: Modèles mathématiques pour le traitement et l'analyse de l'image multimodale.
Thesis/Project Title:Métodes hybrides de reconnaissance de caractères manuscrits.
Thesis/Project Title:Arabic handwriting recognition.
Thesis/Project Title:Méthodes de recherche d'information dans des documents composites numérisés.
Thesis/Project Title:Numeral strings using SVMs.
Thesis/Project Title:Neural Networks for Arabic Handwriting Recognition.
Thesis/Project Title:Automation in document processing.
Thesis/Project Title:Strategies for arabic handwriting recognition.
Thesis/Project Title:Cognitive based recognition of handwriting recognition
Thesis/Project Title:Intelligent Green Resource and Newtork Orchestration
Thesis/Project Title: Text Analysis, Intelligent Decision Support System
Thesis/Project Title: Infrastructure slice creation over virtualized infrastructures.
Thesis/Project Title: Green networks and infrastructure provisioning.
Thesis/Project Title: Pictorial Representation and Description of Arabic/Persian Subwords
Thesis/Project Title: Watermarking strategies in Image Processing.
Thesis/Project Title: Stratégies de reconnaissance de l'écriture Arabe manuscrite.
Thesis/Project Title: Utilisation de l'information contextuelle dans la reconnaissance de mots manuscrits.
Thesis/Project Title:Telco cloud monitoring and tracing
Thesis/Project Title: Isolation of virtual slices in Telco cloud
Thesis/Project Title: Qualité de service du système IMS
Thesis/Project Title: Middleware Security in Green Cloud Computing
Thesis/Project Title: Security in virtual organizations
Thesis/Project Title: Mining Infrastructure Resources
Thesis/Project Title: Synchromedia Network Monitoring and QoS.
Thesis/Project Title: Modèles variationnels de segmentation d'images médicales.
Thesis/Project Title: Developping a Middleware Instruments to connect to Grids.
Thesis/Project Title: Design and Development of Synchromedia collaborative platform.
Thesis/Project Title: Optimisation de l’utilisation des espaces de stockage.
Thesis/Project Title: Mise en place d’un répertoire commun au sein de l’agence spatiale Canadienne.
Thesis/Project Title: Étude de faisabilité de communication sans fil dans le cinéma du vieux porte.
Thesis/Project Title:Développement d’un système de gestion du processus de fabrication de prothèses articulaires personalisées.
Thesis/Project Title:Reconnaissance de schémas électroniques en ligne.
Thesis/Project Title:Modèles de selection des SVMs.
Thesis/Project Title:Méthodes non-linéaires de traitement d’images biomédicales.
Thesis/Project Title:Conception d'une BD multimédia pour le Réseau Scoliose Québec (Interface Usager).
Thesis/Project Title:Bases de données orientées objet pour des images médicales.
Thesis/Project Title:Conception d’une BD multimédia pour le Réseau Scoliose Québec.
Thesis/Project Title:Building Groupware over Duplicated Object Systems.
Thesis/Project Title:Interfaces personne-machine et moteur d'inférence.
Thesis/Project Title:Système de vision intelligent pour un robot sous-marin.
Thesis/Project Title:Tools for Image Processing.
Thesis/Project Title:Segmentation of printed documents.
Thesis/Project Title:Character Recognition using HMMs.
Thesis/Project Title:Recherche documentaire.
Thesis/Project Title:QoS pour les classes virtuelles.
Thesis/Project Title:Réalisation d’un système de triangulation au laser dans le cadre d’application dans le domaine de l’agroalimentaire.
Thesis/Project Title:Reconnaissance des caractères par les moments d’ondelettes.
Thesis/Project Title:Système de vision intelligent pour Capra.
Thesis/Project Title:Laboratoires virtuels.
Thesis/Project Title:Segmentation et validation des données visuelles à partir des images bruitées en niveau de gris.
Thesis/Project Title: Optimisation d'une infrastructure réseau dans un environnement de test automatisé en adoptant la norme IEEE 802.
Thesis/Project Title:Implementation of an application sharing tool using Rich Ajax Platform (RAP).
Thesis/Project Title:Touch control and gesture editing application for document sharing).
Thesis/Project Title:Optimization of image document processing application for utilization via a service web.
Thesis/Project Title:Implementation of an application sharing tool: wrappers for VNC client and VNC server.
Thesis/Project Title:VNC reflector implementation: Session management and Remote control.
Thesis/Project Title:Application sharing tool: VNC Relector and VNC Viewer adaptation for Synchromedia V2 platform.
Thesis/Project Title:Application sharing tool: VNC server adaptation for Synchromedia plateform.
Thesis/Project Title:Intelligent Pen-Oriented Interfaces for collaboration.
Thesis/Project Title:2009Web based with Rich Ajax Platform videoconferencing tool.
Thesis/Project Title:Service oriented web based presentaion sharing tool and Annotation services.
Thesis/Project Title:Service oriented web based application Sharing tool.
Thesis/Project Title:Web and SDK based graphical user interface and for controling multimedia equipment (Synchromedia) using Ipod Touch device.
Thesis/Project Title:Web and SDK based graphical user interface and for controling multimedia equipment (Synchromedia) using Ipod Touch device.
Thesis/Project Title:Interfaçage du tableau interactif SmartBoard dans le réseau Synchromedia.
Thesis/Project Title:Développement d'une interface pour Synchromedia.
Thesis/Project Title:Robotique mobile et localisation.Director: Maarouf Saad(ÉTS).
Thesis/Project Title:Robotique mobile et localisation.
Thesis/Project Title:Migration de la plateforme Synchromedia vers la technologie .NET.
Thesis/Project Title: Power management in Telco Cloud with IPMI
Thesis/Project Title: Application monitoring and tracing in Telco Cloud
Thesis/Project Title: Virtual storage management in cloud
Thesis/Project Title: Power monitoring and management in Telco cloud