Adrien Gruson
Assistant Professor at École de technologie supérieure
Software and Information Technology Engineering Dept.
I am an Assistant Professor at École Supérieure de Technologie (ÉTS) in the department of Information and Communications Technologies since September 2021, where I am a member of the Multimedia Lab.
If you are interested in working with me, please first read this page containing additional important information. If you have a strong interest in computer graphics, particularly in rendering and want to do a Master/Ph.D do not hesitate to contact me. Send me an email mentioning that you read this page and stating your interests in computer graphics.
Research Fundings
- MITACS Acceleration and Globalinks
- NSERC, Create (VISION: VIsual effectS and animation InnovatiOn and simulatioN, UCarlton), 2024 to present
- NSERC, Discovery, 2022 to present
- ÉTS, startup grant, 2021 to present
- MTI882/MTI870: Rendu photoréaliste (A2022, A2023, A2024)
- LOG750: Infographie (H2022, H2023, H2024, A2024, H2025)
Post. doc Ph.D. M.Sc. M. Ing Intern Co-supervision Remote
Justin Benoist
Enrique Vega
Matthieu Josse
Pratyay Suvarnapathaki
Daniel Milenov Milanov
Terry Chen
Raghav Agarwal
Ishann Shah
Benjamin Boineau
Vishesh Gupta
Hassan-Walid Boulerhcha
Jian Jia
Marc Haraoui
Haolun Ma
- Light transport simulation
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Gradient-domain rendering
- Machine learning
PhD in Computer Graphics, 2015
Rennes 1 University
Master 2 in Computer Research, Major Computer Research, 2011
Rennes 1 University
Eng. Rennes 1 University certificate (option Computer Graphics), 2011
ESIR, Rennes 1 University
Peer-reviewing conflicts
Automatically generated from publications in the last two years:
Ishaan Shah, Luis Gamboa, P. J. Narayanan.
- Justin Benoist
- Enrique Vega
- Matthieu Josse
- Pratyay Suvarnapathaki
- Daniel Milenov Milanov
- Terry Chen
- Raghav Agarwal
- Ishann Shah
- Benjamin Boineau
- Vishesh Gupta
- Hassan-Walid Boulerhcha
- Jian Jia
- Marc Haraoui
- Haolun Ma
- Light transport simulation
- Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- Gradient-domain rendering
- Machine learning
PhD in Computer Graphics, 2015
Rennes 1 University
Master 2 in Computer Research, Major Computer Research, 2011
Rennes 1 University
Eng. Rennes 1 University certificate (option Computer Graphics), 2011
ESIR, Rennes 1 University
Peer-reviewing conflicts
Automatically generated from publications in the last two years:Ishaan Shah, Luis Gamboa, P. J. Narayanan.