received a Baccalaureate (Great distinction, University Scholar) in
Agricultural Engineering and a Ph.D. in Biosystems Engineering from
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, in 1988 and 1994. He is a
registered Professional Engineer since 1988.
He has been Faculty
Lecturer and then Professor at McGill University from 1988 to 2001.
Since 2001 he is Professor at l’École de technologie supérieure,
University of Québec, Montreal, in the Department of Automated
Production Engineering. His research deals with the application of the
artificial intelligence paradigm to the agroenvironment. He is a member
of the LIVIA
(Laboratory for Imagery, Vision and Artificial Intelligence)
where he conducts research on; intelligent control systems for the
environment, artificial vision applied to biological/irregular objects,
image analysis in precision agriculture, data mining techniques and
evolutionary algorithms for image classification/characterization.
Adress : 1100, rue Notre-Dame
Montréal (Québec) Canada H3C 1K3
Phone : (514) 396-8542
Fax : (514) 396-8595
: jacques.landry@etsmtl.ca
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