-------- Data Set -------- http://graphics.stanford.edu/data/voldata/ ----------------------- Additional Related Work ----------------------- - an interface for cutting and peeling volume data % See also chapter 7 of Shigeru Owada's PhD thesis, % which is in English. % % http://www-ui.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~o/ % @inproceedings{owada2004cut, author = {Shigeru Owada and Ayumi Akaboya and Frank Nielsen and Fusako Kusunoki and Takeo Igarashi}, title = {Kiru (``Cut'', in Japanese)}, booktitle = {12th Workshop on Interactive Systems and Software (WISS 2004)}, pages = {1--4}, year = 2004 } - other related work Shoukat Islam and Swapnil Dipankar and Deborah Silver and Min Chen Spatial and Temporal Splitting of Scalar Fields in Volume Graphics Proceedings of IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization (VolVis) 2004 pp. 87--94 - strategies for dealing with occlusion in 3D, using deformation or otherwise Anna Vilanova Bartrol\'{\i} and Rainer Wegenkittl and Andreas K\"{o}nig and Eduard Gr\"{o}ller Nonlinear Virtual Colon Unfolding Proceedings of IEEE Visualization (VIS) 2001 Armin Kanitsar and Rainer Wegenkittl and Dominik Fleischmann and Meister Eduard Gr\"{o}ller Advanced Curved Planar Reformation: Flattening of Vascular Structures Proceedings of IEEE Visualization (VIS) 2003 Maneesh Agrawala and Doantam Phan and Julie Heiser and John Haymaker and Jeff Klingner and Pat Hanrahan and Barbara Tversky Designing Effective Step-By-Step Assembly Instructions Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2003 Wilmot Li and Maneesh Agrawala and David Salesin Interactive Image-Based Exploded View Diagrams Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI) 2004 Henry Sonnet and Sheelagh Carpendale and Thomas Strothotte Integrating Expanding Annotations with a 3D Explosion Probe Proceedings of ACM Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI) 2004 Marcelo Cohen and Ken Brodlie Focus and Context for Volume Visualization Proceedings of the Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics 2004 (TPCG'04) pages 32--39 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/abs_free.jsp?arNumber=1314450 http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/tpcg/2004/2137/00/21370032abs.htm Ivan Viola and Armin Kanitsar and Meister Eduard Gr\"{o}ller Importance-Driven Volume Rendering Proceedings of IEEE Visualization (VIS) 2004 Edward W. Ishak and Steven K. Feiner Interacting with Hidden Content Using Content-Aware Free-Space Transparency ACM UIST 2004 - interaction techniques for controlling deformations: % the "Freddy" paper Geoffrey M. Draper and Parris K. Egbert A Gestural Interface to Free-Form Deformation Proceedings of Graphics Interface (GI) 2003 - ruffling / riffling through pages of a virtual book is comparable to flipping through layers. See Figure 3 in % http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/238386.238446 @inproceedings{card1996, author = {Stuart K. Card and George G. Robertson and William York}, title = {The {WebBook} and the {Web Forager}: An Information Workspace for the World-Wide Web}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM CHI 1996 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, year = 1996, pages = {111--117} } Also of interest in this context is work on RSVP (rapid serial visual presentation). @article{spence2002, author = {Robert Spence}, title = {Rapid, Serial and Visual: a presentation technique with potential}, journal = {Information Visualization}, year = 2002, month = {March}, volume = 1, number = 1, pages = {13--19}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan Ltd} } More work on interacting with layers: Pierre Dragicevic Combining Crossing-Based and Paper-Based Interaction Paradigms for Dragging and Dropping Between Overlapping Windows ACM UIST 2004 @inproceedings{agarawala2006, author = {Anand Agarawala and Ravin Balakrishnan}, title = {Keepin' It Real: Pushing the Desktop Metaphor with Physics, Piles and the Pen}, booktitle = conf_chi, year = 2006, pages = {1283--1292} } --------- Omissions --------- - In section 4, 8th paragraph, we say "Voxels near a surface of the data set have a normal computed from their neighbourhood" To be more precise, these normals are computed as the direction of the gradient of the data. ------ Errata ------ - section 4, 4th page, last paragraph of left column, 4th sentence: "(b) unselecting the outermost selected layer" should be "(b) unselecting the innermost selected layer" - The reference to Callahan et al. [1988] has an incorrect paper title. The correct reference is @inproceedings{callahan1988, author = {Jack Callahan and Don Hopkins and Mark Weiser and Ben Shneiderman}, title = {An empirical comparison of pie vs. linear menus}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems}, year = 1988, pages = {95--100} } ----- Typos ----- - section 4.4, 2nd paragraph: "Figures 8" should be "Figure 8" - The reference to Kurtenbach and Buxton has a typo in the paper title, which should read "hierarchic", not "hierarchical". Also, the pages should be 482--487, not 35--42.