
sceneEditor is a system for 2-handed sculpting of triangle meshes. The code base for it was initially intended to become a small 3D-modeller, hence the name sceneEditor. The code was written in C++, and uses OpenGL and GLUT.

download the source

If you need to hack together a small 3D application, you may find that the code for sceneEditor can serve as a useful start. In its current form, it has support for a camera and a scene of objects, each of which is an arbitrary triangle mesh. The code has support for multiple selection of objects, and also implements a basic 3D widget "manipulator" that can be used to translate, rotate, or scale objects. The code does not, however, support many other basic features of a 3D modelling system, such as file i/o. In total, there are currently about 4700 lines of code.

To unpackage, compile, and run

   gzip -d sceneEditor.tar.gz
   tar -xf sceneEditor.tar
   cd sceneEditor
   ln -s Makefile.linux Makefile
If it won't compile, you might have to fix up the Makefile. If you're trying to compile it on a DGP machine at the University of Toronto, try changing the LIBS line in the Makefile to one of

   LIBS=-lglut -lMesaGLU -lMesaGL -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXi -lXmu
   LIBS=-lglut -lGLU -lGL -lm -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXi -lXmu

Once things have compiled, read the README file, and then run it with


Screen Shots

A brush stroke sculpting a mesh. The brush, which has a gaussian shape, is seen in red.

A 3D widget used to translate/rotate/scale a cube. Grey axes show the cube's local space.

sceneEditor with automatic subdivision

This version of sceneEditor has some experimental enhancements that implement automatic subdivision of the mesh as it is sculpted. Please note that this version is not stable and is only a prototype.

download the source