WinSpy++ Version History -------------------------- Version 1.7 - Jun 2006 (Current Version) * NEW FEATURES * - Finally supports XP and Vista themes - Window-hierarchy now groups windows for each process - Static text-labels changed to read-only edit-boxes * BUG FIXES * - Fixed resize issue on first invokation Version 1.6 - Apr 2003 * NEW FEATURES * - Multi monitor support - Changed dialog font to "MS Shell Dlg" * BUG FIXES * - Now runs properly under Win9x Version 1.5 - Jan 2002 * NEW FEATURES * - Can select ANY window in the system - Improved user interface. - Full window dragging - Added accelerator keys - Added options dialog - Preserves settings through registry - Pin window to side of screen - Added Process tab - moved Scrollbar data to Properties tab - Show/Hide/Enable/Disable/Close any window - Modify window's caption - Modify window styles - Move/Size windows - Retrieve password text from password protected text-boxes - Close/Terminate processes - Can now toggle layout/show/hide main-window whilst selecting - Added Refresh, Locate and Flash buttons to window-tree - Added control icons to window tree. * BUG FIXES * - Fixed small style decoding problem (occurred in a few places) - Main window now sizes properly according to window settings Version 1.1 - 1.4 - Unreleased interim versions Version 1.0 - Apr 2001 * INITIAL RELEASE *