Here's an incomplete bibliography of visualization stuff. It probably contains some errors. However, I have spent some time tracking down good overviews and seminal work in visualization, and I think the most important ones are listed below. Perhaps this will be useful to someone. Scroll down further for complete BibTeX entries. If you're only going to buy 1 or 2 books on visualization, I suggest spence2001 and card1999. To find only the books in the list below, search for the string @book Overviews of (Information) Visualization (books): bertin1967,bertin1977, tufte1983,tufte1990,tufte1997, wilkinson1999, card1999,ware2000,spence2001, card2003, thomas2005 Note that a recent (3rd) edition of bertin1967 is available in French, published in France. I don't know if it's available in North America. It's an amazing book, because of all the techniques it contains that people could easily assume were invented post-1980. Overviews, taxonomies, models of (Information) Visualization (papers): shneiderman1996,card1997,chi2000,tory2004,chi1998 Blogs: First use of the term "information visualization": robertson1989 Birth of scientific visualization: mccormick1987 Early use of graphics for abstract data: playfair1786, playfair1801 Seminal example of interactive computational visualization: sutherland1963 Survey paper on multidimensional multivariate data: wong1997 Books on visualization and graphics from the statistics community: tukey1977,chambers1983,cleveland1985,cleveland1993,cleveland1988 Early work in glyphs: chernoff1973,kleiner1981,pickett1988 Really early work: Ren\'{e} Descartes (1596-1650) introduced coordinate systems, and therefore analytic geometry, in 1637 in ``La G\'{e}om\'{e}trie'', the 3rd appendix to his ``Discourse on the Method''. The "cartesian" plane is named after Descartes, whose Latin name was Cartesius. Survey paper on graph visualization: herman2000 Book on graph drawing: dibattista1999 Early work in interactive visualization of graphs: baecker1967 Seminal paper on force directed layout for graph vis: eades1984 Seminal paper on drawing DAGs: sugiyama1981 Seminal/important papers on "classical" node-link drawing of trees: wetherell1979,reingold1981,walker1990,buchheim2002 References that identify different ways of drawing trees (i.e. node-link diagrams and alternatives): bertin1967,knuth1968,eades1993,johnson1991,barlow2001 Interesting ways of drawing graphs that combine node-link diagrams with other techniques: harel1988,sindre1993 Seminal papers on treemaps: johnson1991,shneiderman1992 Use of motion/animation: woods1984, baecker1990, bartram1997 % animation @article{woods1984, author = {David D. Woods}, title = {Visual momentum: a concept to improve the cognitive coupling of person and computer}, journal = {International Journal of Man-Machine Studies}, year = 1984, volume = 21, pages = {229--244} } % animation @inproceedings{bartram1997, author = {Lyn Bartram}, title = {Can Motion Increase User Interface Bandwidth?}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", year = 1997, pages = {1686--1692} } % This is actually a chapter in a book. % I tried using an "inbook" entry, but then the editor names don't show up. @misc{baecker1990, author={Ronald M. Baecker and Ian Small}, title={Animation at the Interface}, note={A chapter (pp. 251--267) in Brenda Laurel, editor, The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, Addison-Wesley}, year=1990 } % seminal work in interactive visualization @inproceedings{sutherland1963, author = {Ivan E. Sutherland}, title = {Sketchpad: A man-machine graphical communication system}, booktitle = {Proceedings of AFIPS Spring Joint Computer Conference}, year = 1963, pages = {328--346} } % Early work in interactive visualization of graphs @techreport{baecker1967, author = {Ronald M. Baecker}, title = {Planar Representations of Complex Graphs}, institution = {Lincoln Laboratory MIT}, number = {1967-1}, year = 1967, month = {February}, } % 2nd edition in 1973 % Translated into English 1983 @book{bertin1967, author={Jacques Bertin}, title={S\'{e}miologie graphique: Les diagrammes, Les r\'{e}seaux, Les cartes}, year=1967, publisher={\'{E}ditions Gauthier-Villars}, address={Paris}, note={(2nd edition 1973, English translation 1983)} } @book{bertin1977, author={Jacques Bertin}, title={La graphique et le traitement graphique de l'information}, year=1977, publisher={Flammarion}, address={Paris} } % reprinted in 1992; 2nd edition from 2001 @book{tufte1983, author={Edward R. Tufte}, title={The Visual Display of Quantitative Information}, year=1983, publisher={Graphics Press} } @book{tufte1990, author={Edward R. Tufte}, title={Envisioning Information}, year=1990, publisher={Graphics Press} } @book{tufte1997, author={Edward R. Tufte}, title={Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative}, year=1997, publisher={Graphics Press} } % @article{mackinlay1986, author = {Jock D. Mackinlay}, title = {Automating the Design of Graphical Presentations of Relational Information}, journal = "ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)", year = 1986, month = {April}, volume = 5, number = 2, pages = {110--141}, } % @inproceedings{robertson1989, author = {George G. Robertson and Stuart K. Card and Jock D. Mackinlay}, title = {The Cognitive Coprocessor Architecture for Interactive User Interfaces}, booktitle = "Proceedings of ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)", year = 1989, pages = {10--18} } @article{mccormick1987, author = {Bruce H. McCormick and Thomas A. DeFanti and Maxine D. Brown}, title = {Visualization in Scientific Computing}, journal = {Computer Graphics}, year = 1987, month = {November}, volume = 21, number = 6, } @inproceedings{shneiderman1996, author = {Ben Shneiderman}, title = {The Eyes Have It: A Task by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages (VL)", year = 1996, pages = {336--343} } @inproceedings{card1997, author = {Stuart K. Card and Jock D. Mackinlay}, title = {The Structure of the Information Visualization Design Space}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis)", year = 1997, pages = {92--99,125} } @inproceedings{chi2000, author = {Ed H. Chi}, title = {A Taxonomy of Visualization Techniques using the Data State Reference Model}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis)", year = 2000, pages = {69--75} } @inproceedings{tory2004, author = {Melanie Tory and Torsten M\"{o}ller}, title = {Rethinking Visualization: A High-Level Taxonomy}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis)", year = 2004, pages = {151--158} } @book{wilkinson1999, author={Leland Wilkinson}, title={The Grammar of Graphics}, year=1999, publisher={Springer}, address={New York} } @book{card1999, editor={Stuart K. Card and Jock D. Mackinlay and Ben Shneiderman}, title={Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision to Think}, year=1999, publisher={Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} } % This is actually a chapter in a book. @misc{card2003, author={Stuart K. Card}, title={Information Visualization}, note={Chapter 28 (pp. 544--582) of Julie A. Jacko and Andrew Sears, editors, The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook: Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates}, year=2003 } @book{ware2000, author={Colin Ware}, title={Information Visualization: Perception for Design}, year=2000, publisher={Morgan Kaufmann Publishers} } @book{spence2001, author={Robert Spence}, title={Information Visualization}, year=2001, publisher={ACM Press} } @book{playfair1786, author={William Playfair}, title={The Commercial and Political Atlas}, year=1786, edition={1st}, address={London}, note = {(3rd edition reproduced in The Commercial and Political Atlas and Statistical Breviary, by William Playfair, edited and introduced by Howard Wainer and Ian Spence, 2005)} } @book{playfair1801, author={William Playfair}, title={The Statistical Breviary}, year=1801, address={London}, note = {(Reproduced in The Commercial and Political Atlas and Statistical Breviary, by William Playfair, edited and introduced by Howard Wainer and Ian Spence, 2005)} } @book{tukey1977, author={John Wilder Tukey}, title={Exploratory Data Analysis}, year=1977, publisher={Addison-Wesley} } % Also published (?) by Chapman and Hall, New York @book{chambers1983, author={John M. Chambers and William S. Cleveland and Beat Kleiner and Paul A. Tukey}, title={Graphical Methods for Data Analysis}, year=1983, publisher={Wadsworth} } % Published 1985 and 1994. @book{cleveland1985, author={William S. Cleveland}, title={The Elements of Graphing Data}, year=1985, publisher={Hobart Press} } @book{cleveland1993, author={William S. Cleveland}, title={Visualizing Data}, year=1993, publisher={Hobart Press} } @book{cleveland1988, editor={William S. Cleveland and Marylyn E. McGill}, title={Dynamic Graphics for Statistics}, year=1988, publisher={Wadsworth} } % This is actually a chapter in a book. % I tried using an "inbook" entry, but then the editor names don't show up. @misc{wong1997, author={Pak Chung Wong and R. Daniel Bergeron}, title={30 Years of Multidimensional Multivariate Visualization}, note={Chapter 1 (pp. 3--33) of Gregory M. Nielson, Hans Hagen, and Heinrich M\"{u}ller, editors, Scientific Visualization: Overviews, Methodologies, and Techniques, IEEE Computer Society}, year=1997 } @book{dibattista1999, author={Di Battista, Giuseppe and Peter Eades and Roberto Tamassia and Ioannis G. Tollis}, title={Graph Drawing: Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs}, year=1999, publisher={Prentice-Hall} } % survey of graph and tree visualization @article{herman2000, author = {Ivan Herman and Guy Melan\c{c}on and M. Scott Marshall}, title = {Graph Visualization and Navigation in Information Visualization: A Survey}, journal = "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)", year = 2000, month = {January}, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = {24--43} } % I suspect this was a paper at a conference, % but appears to have been published as a journal article. @article{eades1984, author = {Peter Eades}, title = {A heuristic for graph drawing}, journal = {Congressus Numerantium}, year = 1984, volume = 42, pages = {149--160} } @article{sugiyama1981, author = {Kozo Sugiyama and Shojiro Tagawa and Mitsuhiko Toda}, title = {Methods for Visual Understanding of Hierarchical System Structures}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics}, year = 1981, month = {February}, volume = {SMC-11}, number = 2, pages = {109--125} } @article{wetherell1979, author = {Charles Wetherell and Alfred Shannon}, title = {Tidy Drawings of Trees}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, year = 1979, month = {September}, volume = {SE-5}, number = 5, pages = {514--520} } @article{reingold1981, author = {Edward M. Reingold and John S. Tilford}, title = {Tidier Drawings of Trees}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, year = 1981, month = {March}, volume = {SE-7}, number = 2, pages = {223--228} } @article{walker1990, author = {{Walker II}, John Q.}, title = {A Node-Positioning Algorithm for General Trees}, journal = {Software---Practice and Experience}, year = 1990, month = {July}, volume = 20, number = 7, pages = {685--705} } @inproceedings{buchheim2002, author = {Christoph Buchheim and Michael J\"{u}nger and Sebastian Leipert}, title = {Improving {Walker's} Algorithm to Run in Linear Time}, booktitle = "Proceedings of Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD)", year = 2002, pages = {344--353} } @inbook{knuth1968, author={Donald Ervin Knuth}, title={The Art of Computer Programming, Volume I: Fundamental Algorithms}, year=1968, publisher={Addison-Wesley}, pages={309--310} } @article{eades1993, author = {Peter Eades and Tao Lin and Xuemin Lin}, title = {Two Tree Drawing Conventions}, journal = {International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications}, year = 1993, volume = 3, number = 2, pages = {133--153} } @inproceedings{johnson1991, author = {Brian Johnson and Ben Shneiderman}, title = {Tree-maps: A space-filling approach to the visualization of hierarchical information structures}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Visualization (VIS)", year = 1991, pages = {284--291} } % Note: the title of this article is *not* "a 2-d ..." @article{shneiderman1992, author = {Ben Shneiderman}, title = {Tree Visualization with Tree-maps: 2-d Space-Filling Approach}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)}, year = 1992, month = {January}, volume = 11, number = 1, pages = {92--99}, } @inproceedings{barlow2001, author = {Todd Barlow and Padraic Neville}, title = {A Comparison of 2-D Visualizations of Hierarchies}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis)", year = 2001, pages = {131--138} } % higraphs @article{harel1988, author = {David Harel}, title = {On Visual Formalisms}, journal = "Communications of the ACM (CACM)", year = 1988, month = {May}, volume = 31, number = 5, pages = {514--530}, } @inproceedings{sindre1993, author = {Guttorm Sindre and Bj{\o}rn Gulla and H{\aa}kon G. Jokstad}, title = {Onion Graphs: Aesthetics and Layout}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages (VL)", year = 1993, pages = {287--291} } @book{thomas2005, editor={James J. Thomas and Kristin A. Cook}, title={Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics}, year = 2005, month = {August}, isbn={0-7695-2323-4}, note = {} } @inproceedings{chi1998, author = {Ed H. Chi and John T. Riedl}, title = {An operator interaction framework for visualization systems}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis)", year = 1998, } % Introduced Chernoff faces. @article{chernoff1973, author = {Herman Chernoff}, title = {The Use of Faces to Represent Points in K-Dimensional Space Graphically}, journal = "Journal of the American Statistical Association", year = 1973, month = {June}, volume = 68, number = 342, pages = {361--368} } % Uses the word "glyph". @article{kleiner1981, author = {Beat Kleiner and John A. Hartigan}, title = {Representing Points in Many Dimensions by Trees and Castles}, journal = "Journal of the American Statistical Association", year = 1981, month = {June}, volume = 76, number = 374, pages = {260--269} } % See also related paper on Exvis at GI' 89. @inproceedings{pickett1988, author = {Ronald M. Pickett and Georges G. Grinstein}, title = {Iconographic Displays for Visualizing Multidimensional Data}, booktitle = "Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", year = 1988, pages = {514--519} }