Acoustic Measures of the Cry Characteristics of Healthy Newborns and Newborns with Pathologies

Y. Kheddache, C. Tadj

Several hypotheses have been formulated as a result of observing spectrograms of the audio signals of the newborn infant cry in numerous studies. Our study is based on a few of these hypotheses. The purpose of this article is to differentiate pathological crying from healthy crying through acoustic cry analysis based on neurophysiological parameters of newborns. The au-tomatic estimation of the characteristics of relevant cry signals, such as phonation, hyperphonation, and dysphonation, expressed as percentages, as well as unvoiced sound and mode change percentages, have enabled us to distinguish among the pathologies se-lected for this study. The results obtained have helped us to make quantitative associations between cry characteristics and pathological conditions af-fecting newborns.

Keywords: newborn cry; dysphonic cry; noise estimation.